Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Recommended for those who want to be smarter in just about anything academic

Great learning site:


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

SLK Learning Center

One of my former employers. Come and learn English!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Jason and Kaela: True Love in Ashland (message below) Posted by Picasa

True Love

On September 4 of this year, Ashland Oregon will become famous for something other than its annual Shakespeare Festival. On that day in Ashland, at the Windsor inn, Jason Asher will be wedding his beloved Kaela.

Because of prior commitments, it is simply not possible for Kathy or I to be there, which is a heartbreak. For me it will be much like "the event of a lifetime" because it will be an occassion for the gathering of so many people that I cherish and treasure. How I would have loved to see you all - not to mention witnessing the union (or shall I say, precursor to the union? wink wink nudge nudge say no more) of two pretty glorious transcendant humans.

So, here's to you, dear ones. Thank you for letting me participate to a degree in your lives, and now in your partnership. May you fill the world with little Jasons and Kaelas.

And here's to you, Jenelle, Brandon, Erin, Blake, and every other attender that I know and love: please raise a glass of generic non-alcoholic beverage for me in honor of the happy couple and yourselves. As you know, angels will be dancing and singing along with you.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Would you buy a house from this man? We would! Infact, we are! So should you. In fact, you should buy a house just so you can have an excuse to hang with him for a while. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I Don't Know a Better Home Page

When I load my browser, I like having just about everything on the net available to me - organized competently so that I don't have to sift through a lot of junk to get to what's really useful.

And I want it to be family friendly.

I am not getting paid *one* *thin* *dime* for this recommendation. I have had no communication with whomever it is that runs this site.

But I *love* the site as a home page. And I recommend it to you -


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

MOST Highly Recommended

We all do it: spin, rhetoric, half-truths - all for affect. It is how we survive, and sometimes thrive, in a fallen world. One problem: who we *really* are is whatever will be left when all that's done for affect has rotted away. Do I ever care less about how others perceive me - and more about who and what I *really* am? Do I ever get tired of all that I say or do merely for affect?

You know there is something more, but you don't trust "religion." - http://www.dwillard.org

When everyone claims to be "spiritual," then true spirituality becomes too cheap to care about. - http://www.dwillard.org

Jesus: Awesome. Church: questionable. - http://www.dwillard.org

Want to be a person of "faith" without leaving your brain at the door. - http://www.dwillard.org

Tired of this teaching and that teaching and the other teaching. I need to know that *I* am finding the best possible way for *me* - because my eyes are wide open. - http://www.dwillard.org

I either sin or I am righteous like a hypocrite. What else is there? - http://www.dwillard.org

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Read the Best - No Charge
