Wednesday, March 30, 2005

MOST Highly Recommended

We all do it: spin, rhetoric, half-truths - all for affect. It is how we survive, and sometimes thrive, in a fallen world. One problem: who we *really* are is whatever will be left when all that's done for affect has rotted away. Do I ever care less about how others perceive me - and more about who and what I *really* am? Do I ever get tired of all that I say or do merely for affect?

You know there is something more, but you don't trust "religion." -

When everyone claims to be "spiritual," then true spirituality becomes too cheap to care about. -

Jesus: Awesome. Church: questionable. -

Want to be a person of "faith" without leaving your brain at the door. -

Tired of this teaching and that teaching and the other teaching. I need to know that *I* am finding the best possible way for *me* - because my eyes are wide open. -

I either sin or I am righteous like a hypocrite. What else is there? -


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